Physics Powered Healing

How toxic relationships can lead to isolation, leaving you feeling stuck and alone

July 28, 2021 Dr. Anastasia Chopelas

In this episode, you will hear how isolating behavior is abusive, the signs of it, and what to do about it.

Is this familiar to you?  

When you want to go visit your friends or family, your partner continues to put them down and criticize them.  Making fun of what they say or do, ridiculing their behavior, or making sure they tell you how much they don’t like them and don’t want to visit.  

Then you go alone, even if it’s just around the corner, and within an hour, you get a phone call asking you when are you coming home.  

It’s not as if he or she wants to do something special, they just want you home. 

Find out what this dysfunctional behavior is all about, what it is a warning sign of, and what to do about it.

Standout Quotes:

  • “They want to keep you for themselves. This distorted thinking keeps many women and a few men afraid of leaving.”
  • “Isolating behavior is abuse. Make no mistake about it. It’s not about he or she loves you so much, and they want you for themselves but because they’re afraid of you leaving.”
  • “When I was going to self-help groups, I got help for myself. And the relationship started to change balance. And that’s why I ended up eventually leaving when I thought that was impossible, and I was afraid to go.”
  • “I wrote journals, and I had like a whole shelf of them. I’ve since thrown them out because I didn’t want the negative energy in my house. There was a lot of sadness in there.”

Key Takeaways:

  • An isolating behavior is not a depressive behavior but an abusive one.
  • When you have fewer contacts with your friends, families, and co-workers, your partner is now isolating you.
  • Journaling is the best way to manifest your ideas and emotions.
  • Reach out to the people who genuinely love you in the early stages of an abusive relationship.
  • It’s not only you who needs healing, your partner who instigated the isolation also needs help.
  • Once you are deeply isolated by your partner, it’s time to seek professional help, and you may have to do it in secret.

Episode Timeline:

  • 02:05 The signs if you are in an isolating relationship
  • 03:35 Where is the isolating form of abuse based on?
  • 04:10 The best course of action against isolation
  • 7:00 Quantum Manifesting

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