Physics Powered Healing

Words Matter: Why Negative Self-Talk Harms Your Well-Being and Health

Dr. Anastasia Chopelas Season 1 Episode 19

Have you ever considered how the words you speak to yourself and others shape your reality? In this episode, I dive deeply into the transformative power of language and discover how choosing your words wisely can elevate your well-being and effectiveness. Hear about common word patterns that sabotage success and what to substitute for them.  Discover practical steps to shift your self-talk, understand the science behind high-vibe words, and explore the profound impact of positive language in healing sessions. Don't miss this insightful process to becoming your best self and helping others thrive!

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Have you ever considered how the words you speak to yourself and others shape your reality? Stay tuned to hear about how to reveal the profound impact your language has on your life and the lives of those you help. Discover how you can elevate your well-being and effectiveness as a healer, simply by choosing your words wisely. You won't want to miss this transformative insight!

I used to be my harshest critic. Every perceived failure was met with a barrage of internal negative self-talk.   I was just repeating what I had heard from my critics from my younger years, before I left home.  I had great guilt training, feeling terrible for every little move I made, feeling like I was wrong about everything.  Things began to change when I watched a video of myself doing ordinary things and wondered why I felt so wrong.  I looked okay.  I was seeing myself through someone else’s eyes and not from within myself.  This was the day that I decided to be nicer to myself

Not just to think more kindly about myself, but to watch how I spoke to myself.   It didn’t go from one day to the next after 40 years of bad habits, but I caught myself getting upset at making little mistakes.  For example, turning a paper in after a deadline or accidentally breaking a coffee carafe.  I began speaking to myself not just more gently, but highlighting my attributes.  The more I focused on the positive, the better my health and outlook on life got. It began to love myself.  This in turn changed the way I connect with my family and friends.  Today, you’ll more about the power of words and how to change your self-talk and even speech to others.

1. The Science Behind Why High-Vibe Words are Important for Your Well-being

Research has shown that every thought releases some type of chemical. You have positive thoughts when you're feeling happy, or optimistic. Stress hormones like cortisol decreases and the brain produces serotonin, creating a feeling of well-being.  You can also create the positive thoughts and feelings by saying high vibe words to yourself.  When you add smiling while you are saying these words to yourself, your down mood shifts to up in even less time.  Let’s get more specific about things you can say to yourself.  

When you are asked, how are you?  Do you say, I’m okay, I’m good, or not so good.  Your subconscious mind then works very hard to make this true.  How about saying, “I’m excellent,” “I’m great,” or “I’m extraordinary.”  Think about how you’re feeling when I’m saying, “you’re wonderful” or “You’re amazing”.  Did you get a little feel good hit?

Words hold immense power. They are not just tools for communication; they carry energy and emotions that can significantly impact our lives. This energy can be measured through various techniques like muscle testing or using a pendulum. The energy of words is closely linked to the human scale of emotions, notably illustrated by David Hawkins' scale.

The four basic emotions—fear, grief, anger, and happiness—serve as the foundation for all other emotions. Variations and combinations of these basics include:

- Fear can manifest as anxiety.

- Grief and sorrow are closely related.

- Anger can range from irritation to rage.

- Happiness includes joy and contentment.

The frequency of words is based on the emotions they evoke.  They can be measured if you are adept at muscle testing or dowsing.  Moving from bad, to good, to excellent, wonderful elevates the frequency from 50 to 500.  Likewise with moving from sad, to neutral, to happy to joyful to enlightened.  Once the frequency goes over 500, spontaneous healing could occur.  

2. Self-Talk: Your Inner Dialogue Matters

The importance of words is further highlighted by experiments with water. Human bodies are composed of about 70% water, and water's structure can change based on the words it is exposed to. For example, labeling a water bottle with "love" results in beautiful, organized crystallization, whereas negative words produce chaotic patterns. This principle extends to how emotions and intentions during activities like cooking can affect the nourishment and energy of the food.

Your subconscious mind, which manages the autonomic functions of the body, operates symbolically.  Your subconscious mind receives and sends responses through images and symbols. It takes everything literally because it isn’t capable of comprehending abstract concepts. For instance, it associates snakes with fear and water with cleansing. The symbolic processing means the way you express your self-talk can make a huge difference in the way it is processed.  

For example, the subconscious mind doesn't recognize negatives. It focuses on the word that follows the negative word. For example, saying I don’t want to be angry.  Your mind hears, I want to be angry.   Using positive statements is crucial. Instead of, “I don’t want to be angry,” say, I want to be happy, ecstatic, or joyful.  By saying this to yourself, you instantly elevate your vibe, your health and well-being.  

A great body of research on positive thinking has shown it rewires the brain.  The human brain has evolved to constantly reorganize its synaptic connections in accordance with new incoming information.   Thoughts are just as powerful as real events.  This is why you salivate if someone just says think of lemons.  Oh, my mouth is watering now.  

Some people say that positive thinking is toxic by not facing the issue.  However, positive thinking is not ignoring problems but looking for solutions to turn things around for the better.  Your energy hormones, like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins increase, giving you the energy to pursue the solution.  

High vibe words are important for this reason.  

3. Practical Steps to Change Your Language
When I was in graduate school, we had to pass a series of qualifying exams before we were advanced to candidacy.  I used to say to myself and anyone in earshot, “when I pass the test.”  while everyone else was saying “if I pass the test.”  I was certain I was going to pass.  Some people thought I sounded arrogant and maybe that’s why they were saying it that way.  I did say it with any more emotion than saying, my pants are black.   

Reframing how you speak about your goals and achievements will change your confidence and bring success to you more easily.

Aside from replacing if with when, which moves from uncertainty to certainty, you can also change the way you question things.  

Most people ask “how do I do this?” when they don’t know something.  Avoid using the word how implies uncertainty.  A better question to ask yourself is “what would it take to do this?”

There are other simple phrases that can change your future path.  Avoid using other phrases that imply uncertainty, such as "I'm not doing that anymore." Your subconscious hears, “I’m doing that”.  A positive way to avoid that behavior is to say Instead,"That's in my past," or “that’s in my rear view mirror” to move you forward into empowerment.

Affirmations work for the same reason: they are stated in the positive, the present tense, and need to be believable to the conscious mind for it to sink into the subconscious to take effect.  

Now that you have a few clues of language patterns that can hurt and help, a good idea to help you change the language patterns is to write down every time you say something that is low vibe. 

4. Words to Clients: The Impact of Language in Healing Sessions

Whenever I work with a client and ask them how they are doing, if they say good, I say how can we get that to excellent?  They laugh, I say it isn’t a joke and then we go through a couple positive statements for them to counteract whatever negative statement they start with.  

The same things that I mentioned above for speaking to yourself, you can use when you hear your clients, family or friends say the same things.  If I get better, if I succeed, and if I pass the test becomes when I get better, when I succeed, and when I pass the test.  When you hear others say the downbeat statements, you can encourage them to change.  

5.  Words can also help you manifest your dreams.  

You can use upbeat and high vibe words to help you create a better future.  Write down everything you want to happen in the next year.  You can create it using the kind of language I just talked about in this broadcast.  When I created my certification program for example, I wrote down every module, what was in it, how it would run and how I’d advertise it.  I wanted 20 people to enroll and 19 did in 3 weeks.  You can do this too.  

To continue on the positive language for manifestation journey, you can join the Quantum Prosperity Activation program for a very small investment at     After you enjoyed this episode, take a moment to subscribe, share this podcast with fellow healers, and leave a review. Your feedback helps reach more people and spread the healing power of positive words. Remember, your words have the power to elevate or defeat.  You get to choose.

In the next episode, I'll be diving into the world of energy protection and how to shield yourself from negative influences. You won't want to miss these essential tips to maintain your energetic well-being. 

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