Physics Powered Healing

Why You Need a High-Vibration Space and How to Create One...

Dr. Anastasia Chopelas Season 1 Episode 17

Are you an energetically sensitive person struggling to maintain your mood and energy levels? Do you find it challenging to maintain your health at times?  Your environment could be the key! In this broadcast, discover simple, effective steps to create an energetically supportive space that benefits everyone but especially highly sensitive individuals, empaths, and energy healers. Learn the science of crystals, plants, and salt and ways to use them to cleanse and uplift your surroundings, making your home a sanctuary of high vibrations. Listen now to transform your living and working spaces into environments that protect your sensitivity, nurture your health, and enhance your healing abilities!

Links mentioned in this episode: 

Selenite lamp:
Rose quartz lamp:
Fluorite lamp:
Selenite rods:
Salt Lamp, rough:
Salt lamp, sphere:
And Salt lamp, pyramid:

For focused life force energy podcast:

Free Trial:  

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If you are an energetically sensitive individual, your environment could be affecting your mood, your energy, and even your income.  A few small adjustments to your living and working spaces can help you get and stay in a high-vibe state.   Today, you’ll discover a few simple steps for creating an energetically supportive space that will especially help highly sensitive people,  empaths, and energy healers. These easy-to-implement techniques cleanse and uplift your surroundings, ensuring they protect your sensitivity, nurture your health, and enhance healing abilities. Stay tuned to transform your home into a protective, energetically supportive sanctuary!

I’ve always been super sensitive to other people as well as my living and workspaces.   I realized that keeping my space organized and clutter-free always helped me feel better.  I had to set up a system to do this because my natural tendency is to ignore it because of my highly focused nature.    I learned several other tricks to create a calmer environment and why I had particular objects in certain places.  With the implementation of each process, it became easier and more relaxing to be in my own environment.   I can’t wait to share 3 of these tips so you can cleanse and uplift your space. Let’s dive in so you can create that supportive environment to thrive.

Even if you are not that attuned or sensitive to your environment, you might be surprised at how effectively these simple tips can change your mood and even your wealth.  For those of you that are sensitive, these steps are crucial. A clean, high-vibration space can help you recharge and maintain your own energy levels, making it easier to heal others without feeling drained. You’ll spend less time on your own health maintenance and more doing things you enjoy.  Today, I'll be sharing practical tips from my own experience and lessons from the Scientific Healer’s Certification Program to help you transform your space into a supportive sanctuary.

I once had a healing teacher who spent three to four hours daily focusing solely on her own healing. I don’t have the patience for long hours of meditating, chanting, or prayer, so I looked for other ways to support my health and well-being.  Setting up a few ways to shield your environment saves you that extra time spent doing self-care and self-healing.  It protects you from outside low-vibe energy.  

Here are three ways that shield your environment:  

Number 1: Place crystals around your home and on your window sills
(Caution: Do not use amethyst or opals. The color of amethyst will fade in sunlight, and opals will lose the internal water it needs to create the colors).   However, crystals like selenite and quartz act as energetic guards, filtering out negative energy and allowing only positive vibrations to flow in. They can transform the energy entering your home, making it more supportive and uplifting.  

The crystal lattice in minerals stores information, especially those that have large channels, such as quartz and tourmaline.  These channels can accommodate small elements and can change the mineral color and their healing properties.  The wearer of crystal jewelry will also imbue the mineral with their own energy, and if you put them on without clearing them, you can probably feel that person’s essence.  After my mom had passed, I wore some of her favorite jewelry, like her ivory necklace.  I received very clear emotional signals that could have only come from my mom.  She and I didn’t think alike, so it was obviously her reactions to my current situation.

When shopping for crystals, say at a rock shop or novelty store, find those that you are attracted to.  Take them home and wash them, dry them thoroughly, and place them in dry table salt.  This will remove any foreign energy from them.  Putting the salt container with the mineral in direct sunlight will accelerate the cleansing process.  

Now. you can place them on your window sills, on your dresser or nightstand, and in strategic locations throughout the house.  You can even place them in your pockets for an added boost.

If you are curious about the healing properties of crystals, there are a number of books and guides on the topic.  Using crystals is one of the ways to support your health and energy without added effort.   For example, black tourmaline in quartz, as found naturally, protects you from foreign energies and is recommended as a talisman to be carried on you.  Rose quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution.  Finally, selenite is an effective space cleanser.  You can find crystalline lamps made of selenite,  rose quartz, and even fluorite (to promote clarity of thought) to add extra protection in your rooms.  Stay tuned to hear more about salt lamps. 

A second way to boost the energy of your living and work spaces is by using live plants.  Whether you have a garden or not, you can always place healing plants such as herbs or aloe vera in your garden beds, window boxes, and your porches and balconies to improve the energy of your home or office.  I have no fewer than 50 aloe vera plants around my home.  The front garden has rows of blooming roses and the back garden has about 10 different herbs, such as mint, oregano, sage, parsley, etc.  

Plants vibrate at a higher frequency than humans. (For example, rose oil vibrates at 4x the frequency of a healthy human).  

You can also grow herbs indoors, on your window sills or in a greenhouse window.  Other common house plants, such as indoor palms and ficus trees, will also elevate your space.  I even have orchids on my south-facing window that bloom every year.  Make sure you keep them fed and watered properly. 

You can also bring cut flowers indoors in vases at various central locations in your house or office.  Caution: make sure to remove wilting flowers and dying plants to avoid having the energy of death around you.  

Like minerals,  plants are another effortless way to raise the vibe of your environment.  

And number 3, Salt, that is table salt or sodium chloride, in its various forms is highly cleansing.

One of my clients was so blown away by how much better she felt once she put one of those Himalayan sea salt lamps in her house that she sent one around to all her friends, including me.  It arrived a few days after speaking to her.  I immediately recognized why she was so enthusiastic once I turned it on.  The house just glowed with good energy.  I was really surprised at how effective it is at cleansing foreign energy.  We now have four of them throughout the house, keeping my house elevated with good energy.  

Salt purifies and absorbs low-frequency energy very easily because its bonds are very weak.  The low-vibe energy gets trapped inside the lattice and can be transmitted away from you.  

Instead of lamps, you can also use low-vibe energy traps around the house or office (or even a hotel room where you’re staying).  This consists of a bowl of water with a handful of salt in it.  But if you have pets, keep them away from these bowls.  Every day or two, you dump the salt water down the toilet, rinse it out, then dump the rinsing water down the toilet, and put fresh water and salt there.  This is especially helpful if you are hosting a party in your home or get together outside your home.  You can keep the energy of the room fresh and light.  I got a couple of inexpensive bowls from the dollar store, and their use is only for energy toilets.  Do not eat out of these bowls. 

You can also use salt, again table salt, no epsom salt, to cleanse yourself off.  Take a bath or shower with salt.  For a salt shower, add a bit of salt in the palm of your hand, when you get into the shower, dampen it and start with your face and work your way down your arms, abdomen, back and legs.  Rinse it off then soap down and shampoo yourself.  I take my bag of salt everywhere I go and it makes a big difference after being around other people.  I return back to myself in no time at all.

Bonus method: Is something called Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE). 

I first heard of it when the developers of this technology, Clayten Stedmann and Jeffry Stegman,  called me up about ten years ago and started talking about it to me.  I was a bit skeptical until Clayten said, here let me turn it on so you can feel it for yourself.  As soon as he did, it felt like a warm blanket enveloping my skin.  All was good with the world.  They wanted me to interview them on my podcast and I immediately agreed.  I am always a bit skeptical when someone proposed these ideas to me but the proof was experiencing it.  

Focused Life Force Energy is a field of high-consciousness energy that’s projected to any location.  If that still sounds odd to you, it’s the equivalent of a whole monastery of monks praying for you.  It raises the vibration of your environment.  Jeffry and Clayten tried this technology out in various locations, such as bombed out cities, concentration camps, prisons, and more.  It shifted not just the feel of the environment, but the behavior of the people in that environment shifted.  It raises the vibration of your spaces, mitigates the effect of electromagnetic fields like 5G and WiFi around you, and improves your health. 

Whenever people come to my home, I always get compliments on how cozy it feels.  Even, my 7 year old grandson walked in for the first time and exclaimed loudly that my house was so “fancy”.  It isn’t.  It has 20 to 40 year old decor in it, the floors are scratched and worn, and cabinet doors are falling off the hinges.  But people feel welcome and happy in our house.  The great thing about this service (it’s about a dollar a day) is that you can try it out.  And you can even attach it to your phone so you can take it wherever you go.  I’ve included links to the podcast episodes so you can hear about it yourself and even try it out for free.  

This is just a sampling of the many ways to protect yourself and uplift your environment, such as organizing and decluttering, Feng Shui, and other energy tips, all a topic for another episode.  

After you’ve received value from listening, please give it a thumbs up or 5 star rating and share it with others that could use the help.  

Be sure to subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss out on how to stand out as a healer in a crowded market. Learn strategies to differentiate yourself and attract more clients. 

Until then, I invite you to download my free guide of 26 Stress Relief Hacks to Find Your Inner Calm.  This is especially helpful for all you highly sensitive people and empaths to get to your parasympathetic or healing state.  Go to  to download now!

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